Garden Ideas Melbourne

For garden ideas, most people generally don’t know how to get started. It can be confusing understanding basic gardening and appropriate plants to create their idyllic garden. Typically when money is not a problem then tasks such as briefs, tenders and specifications are used to clarify what the objective is.

Landscape Gardener Coburg

Prior to implementing and garden ideas on a budget, the following steps need to be completed to ensure a succesfull implementation


Landscape Gardeners Melbourne Create a plan detailing what you would like to see in a garden from an aspect of  beauty, practicality and functionality.

Landscape Gardeners Melbourne Map the garden into three areas to make it more interesting such as sunny and shady sitting areas, plants and herb areas.

Landscape Gardeners Melbourne Try to create spaciousness by having paving cover the full width of the garden.

Landscape Gardeners Melbourne Try to incorporate asymmetry and angles to disguise the rectangular shape of the garden and create an interesting route through it.

Landscape Gardeners Melbourne Try to get changing levels such as steps by using construction materials that don’t usually need foundations.

Landscape Gardeners Melbourne Remember a large lawn has to be mowed, try to ensure that it is easy to walk on the garden without having to step on the lawn when it is wet.